
Welcome to the Glossary Page!

We tell you about words you do not know!


1. Porgbot.com: name of this website

2. Porg: An animal from Star Wars also at bottom of Porg Page

3. Star Wars: A series of movies from space science fiction The films were created by George Lucas

4. Browser: A program used to access the internet such as Safari and Google

5. Reboot: A principle used to mean "the computer or device is turned off and then turned on again".

6. Computer Ports such as VGA and DVI are described on the Computer Parts Page

7. DATA is data of anything from pictures to movies to statistics

8. Code: means to program something or different types of computer language

9. Port: Something you plug something else into such as a wire

10. Wire: A wire is a long strip of copper or another metal covered with rubbery plastic to protect it